Chile Adventure Dispatches: Hacienda 3R

  Welcome to Hacienda 3R, our home base for the next 3 days as we hike through the back country. The people are truly wonderful out here, and I’m already feeling at home after a day of hiking.

Chile Adventure Dispatches: Pristine Patagonia

  Another world, untouched, pristine nature in all its grandeur. The turquoise water in combination with the silt and sand-like sediment of the lakebed gave me the feeling I was on a perfect swimming beach, if it wasn’t for the rain I might have jumped in ;). We had tied up the Zodiac to a […]

Chile Adventure Dispatches: The Arrival

Upon waking up, first view of the Andes above Santiago de Chile. I fell in love with Puerto Natales back in 2004. It’s the gateway to the some of the most beautiful national parks known. The elements of nature are rough and so beautiful that it touches me deep in my core. This trip was […]

Barefoot Running: Back At The Ocean Beach

  It had been a while since I got to run the Ocean Beach. What a magnificent day last Saturday was. 45 degrees, off shore winds. Once the feet adjusted, it felt like early summer with a chill.

NYC: Subway Beats II

To get around the city I prefer riding my bicycle above ground, but I always appreciate musicians and performers making my visit in the subway below ground more pleasant.