Chile Adventure Dispatches: Back to Glacier Grey

  It’s been 5 years since my last trip to Glacier Grey, and its an adventure in itself just getting up here. Riding up Lago Grey with the tremendous Punta Bariloche and the Cordillera del Paine Mountain Range to the right, the boat captain showed me a postcard from the nineties. He said back then […]

Chile Adventure Dispatches: Torres del Paine, After the Fire

It has been such an amazing trip so far that for a split second I forgot the initial reason for being here. After traveling an hour and half in the dark, and upon entering the park, first daylight revealed the scars and tremendous damages of this destructive and unnecessary fire earlier this year. My heart […]

Chile Adventure Dispatches: Andria, Gaucha Girl

Andria wanted to work with horses, to learn and live the life of a Gaucho. Born and raised in Loveland, Colorado she swam her horse across the Serrano River, and moved to a remote estancia. She says, “There are not a lot of places left in the world where you can just drink directly out of […]

Chile Adventure Dispatches: Up the River

There is only one way to get to Glacier Geike: on horse or by foot. We decided to hike, and our journey began with this massive and stunning view of the Horns of the Torres del Paine Mountains.   Four hours on a ferry, then transferred over to the zodiac to go further up the […]

Chile Adventure Dispatches: Horseback Riding

  We got invited for a day of horseback riding through the terrain at Estancia Mercedes. Before 2008, the only way to get here was via boat or horseback until a road was built through the peninsula. We were greeted with such warmth and open hearts, their hospitality made me feel at home. Nothing better […]

Chile Adventure Dispatches: Hiking the Backcountry

The scale is unbelievably impressive, we are mere specks in comparison.   Walking barefoot across this partially frozen river early in the morning surely wakes you up. Most of the trails we used to get up this ridge were not charted by humans, but by wild horses and guanacos as they grazed up the mountain.