NYC: Subway Beats

Mesmerizing sounds from faraway lands reverberating through subway tunnels; one thing I just love about NY.

NYC: Return to Manhattan

  Returning after a cool but glorious afternoon shooting on Govenor’s Island. I’d like to share this view of the southern tip of Manhattan and this amazing old ferry boat terminal dock. This just calls for an 8×10 architectural shot, but I love my iPhone.

In Tribute: Reflections on 9/11

I’d like to share these images in the hopes to inspire you to hold on to that precious energy from before 9/11. We allowed ourselves to play with the untamable energy that NY provides. I feel back then it was less controlled, more spontaneous, and a more free spirited time. One night we set out […]

Jorg to Photograph SEAPaddle NYC 2011

New York City lends itself to unexpected things, but nothing quite like this. The SEAPaddle is a 28-mile long paddling marathon around the isle of Manhattan that fundraises money and raises awareness for Autism Organizations and the Surfers’ Environmental Alliance (SEA). A true sight to behold with nearly 200 paddlers sprinkled about the waters of […]