You never know what will happen …
It was an easy decision to shoot this portrait in Boulder, CO last week after checking the forecast at 60 degrees and sunny just four days prior. Then to my surprise, that weekend Boulder had record highs in the 80’s, but on the shoot day we were unexpectedly heading up the same mountain in a snow storm. It got exciting. The deadline pressure of ‘ can we have the final file tomorrow ‘ request by the photo editor cranked it up another notch, and ohh yes, did I mention this is for the June issue : )We learn to embrace the unexpected and roll with it. You never know what’s going to happen in Nature. As much as I love sun, I love snow as well.I cannot share the solution or final product yet, but I must say that it’s amazing what a crew of four people, with a focused decision making photo editor, can pull off when shit hits the fan. It was great to work with people that love their jobs and who pull through under the most stressful of times.
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